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Leading With Love: The Basics For Implementing Faith + Work

We welcome you, your team or organization to learn more about practical ways to implement faith and work. L&R Pallet can be a real-life example for leaders in business and ministry that are interested in how faith and work can intersect.


At L&R Pallet, we believe in collaboration and working together as Kingdom ambassadors. We want to see the businesses, organizations and leadership groups that you personally influence make an impact for God’s Kingdom in order to ignite and unite our city.
Over the past few years, we have been significantly encouraged as a company by physically connecting with like-minded leaders and organizations across the country and in Denver. You already do an incredible job of teaching, leading, promoting and thinking critically about integrating faith into the workplace. L&R Pallet is making a commitment to you and your organizations to be a resource and ministry partner that can come alongside you as a practitioner in the Denver market.
“Let’s accept the challenge, “to view our organizations not as grand murals but as pieces of a mosaic created by and for our Master Artist… an invitation for faith-based organizations to be known for outrageous generosity and open-handedness, as we collectively pursue a calling higher than any one organization’s agenda.”  – P.Greer & C.Horst, Rooting for Rivals”


One of the hardest things for a business owner to do is visualize what these Kingdom concepts look like in 3D. Our desire is to reveal some practical “baby steps” that assisted us in getting the ball rolling in our own company. As you know, making the “shift” to running a Kingdom business can seem overwhelming at first.

With the help of several faith and work leaders in Denver, we have identified some of the top challenges you might realize in the Faith and Work Movement for business leaders and owners:

  • Fear of “hurting their business” financially by being bold for God
  • Deficient theology of work and evangelism
  • The unrecognized value in human capital
  • Opinion that the Great Commandment to “Love one another” is too touchy-feely to apply at work and that love is too “soft”
  • Lack of access, resources, and networks for sharing best practices
  • Not knowing “where to start”
  • Lack of model companies to learn from


We are committed to intentionally shaping a healthy company culture through a “people-first” business model. It is by the grace of God that our team is so passionate about sharing our story of hope and transformation at L&R Pallet. Our hope is to raise the awareness of other leaders about the power of business to have a profound Kingdom impact. We can highlight our experience of intentional hiring, meeting employment and social needs through the dignity of work and how we implement the Kingdom business model at L&R. By doing so, our hope is that it can enhance the good work you are already doing and promoting in your own circle of influence.


One of the most valuable ways that we can serve and partner with you, is by letting you utilize our space to provide the most impact for your organization.

Location: 3855 Lima Street Denver, CO | 80239
Hours: 6:00am-[2:30pm] 4:00pm

Space is available for half or full-day events depending on your group needs.

  • Founders Room – Conference room that easily sits up to 12 guests
  • Adjoining Classroom -Flexible space, up to 20 guests, AV available

We would like to make our facility fully available so that your group has the full use of their day without extra travel. You are welcome to bring food, there are many options close by in Northfield/Stapleton.

We are happy to be involved in your visit and can provide tours, HR materials and opportunity for panel or Q&A to share the L&R business model – People. Pallets. Purpose.

Learn more at our website- Contact our Care Team with questions or to schedule a visit

We look forward to hosting you!

James and Carine Ruder | O: 303 355-5083

Lunch and Learn

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Space is limited, register today!

Our “Lunch & Learn” sessions  are casual, small groups held from 11:30am-1:00pm

Registration price includes lunch and donation to our 501c3, Under One Roof Foundation 

We look forward to sharing our time and experiences with you.

Please contact James Ruder to schedule your first visit. | O: 303 355-5083

Kingdom Business: The Concept

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness – Matthew 6:33

So many hours of our days are spent in the workplace and we want those hours to matter. We want to find meaning and purpose in our work. Many Christians often feel that Sunday is disconnected from the realities of Monday-Saturday and this is especially true when it comes to the integration of faith and business.

Most people would define business as trade, commercial activity, and that those in charge are the ones to generate profit and long-term wealth. Most businesses are focused on one outcome: the bottom line. There is nothing inherently wrong with this view, though it is a very limited view of business. Financial outcomes are important. You cannot run a business without profit. But what if a business was focused on additional outcomes, eternal outcomes?

Being Inspired By & Working
Kingdom at Work

Five years ago, James connected with Rick and Holly Betenbough, of Betenbough Homes in Lubbock, Texas. Rick and Holly Betenbough not only inspired the team of L&R Pallet but taught them the fundamentals of the Kingdom Business model. The kingdom business movement seeks to inspire, equip and ignite leaders to advance God’s Kingdom through influence in the marketplace.  A growing number of Christian-led businesses are integrating their faith into their business model in creative and redemptive ways.  

  • A kingdom business expands the definition of business and the marketplace in a way that honors God and neighbor.  
  • A kingdom business is an enterprise directed by the Holy Spirit and managed by a godly leader that uses their time, talent, and money to meet the spiritual and/or physical needs of the community around them.
  • A kingdom business is not owned by an individual. The individual that the God has entrusted with the business is therefore a steward of the business.

Simply put, a kingdom business is Gods business, managed Gods way, by Gods steward, for Gods purposes in the world. James and Carine Ruder hope to steward a business and encourage others to conduct business in such a way that acknowledges that whole work week belongs to God, the giver of all.

Denver skyline drawing